We have reviewed your request for a waiver for the use of photos of Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) for use at ___________ as well as for marketing purposes. However, this command is not the approval authority for the use of photography such as you describe. The Office of the Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs […]
Soldier’s Career or Status – Information on a Soldier or former Soldier’s career or status
For information on a Soldier or former Soldier’s career or status, you will need to contact Human Resources Command public affairs, Fort Knox, KY, at (502) 613-4212. The PAO there is Raymond Gall. His email is raymond.a.gall6.civ@mail.mil HRC is at 1600 Spearhead Division Ave Dept 103, Fort Knox, KY 40122-5100.
Incident Information – How do I get historical information on incidents at Fort Cavazos or the Army?
Thank you for your request, however, Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) no longer has access to this information. Officials at the National Archives and Records Administration, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20408-0001 may be able to help you. Their phone number is (202) 357-5000. Their Web site is http://www.archives.gov/dc-metro/washington/index.html.
Army Public Affairs – How do I contact Army Public Affairs?
Office of the Chief of Army Public Affairs Media Relations Division 1500 Army Pentagon Washington, DC 20310-1500 Phone (703) 692-2000 Fax (703) 697-2159 DSN 225-2000
Hometown Holiday Greetings – How can I get Hometown Holiday Greetings sent to my media outlet?
Hometown Holiday Greetings are managed by the Joint Hometown News Service. To subscribe to their free service, visit Hometown Holiday Greetings at http://www.dvidshub.net/holiday for the latest holiday greetings from our service members deployed and stationed overseas. Thank you for your support.
Book Author Support – Can you help me with research requests?
Thanks for what you are trying to do here. We would love to support. However, all book cover and research requests must first go through this office: Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army Eastern Region Harrison Sarles harrison.l.sarles.civ@mail.mil (212) 784-0111 Army Public Affairs-New York Branch 805 Third Ave., 9th Floor New York City, […]