FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas — Maj. Gen. Gerald (Gez) M. Strickland, III Corps deputy commanding general for support (U.K.), assumed his current duties May 17 in a Welcome Ceremony at the III Corps Headquarters flagpole here.
Strickland, the fourth U.K. deputy commanding general for support, replaces British Army Maj. Gen. Felix Gedney, who was reassigned to the U.K. April 3.
“It’s true as Lt. Gen (Paul) Funk, (III Corps commanding general), just said, the U.S. and U.K.’s partnership is incredibly strong,” Strickland said. “That partnership is more than just partnership, it’s friendship. Friendship is never always smooth, a friendship involves being able to tell each other honest truths. And, that’s something I’m sure we’ll continue with each other as we go ahead.”
Strickland went on to say, “America’s Hammer is an awe inspiring organization. Made up of the finest people…and I look forward to serving with you over the next few years. ”
Born in Hong Kong and educated in England, Strickland comes to Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) following his previous assignment as head of operations in the U.K. Ministry or Defence, with responsibility for shaping political direction, crisis management and issuing direction for the conduct of all U.K. military operations.
View the ceremony on the III Corps and Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) Facebook page here.