Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) Friends, Family, and Phantom Warriors,
As you know, globally and at home the COVID-19 virus has created unprecedented challenges that leaders, both civilian and military, are addressing as they arise. To frame our way ahead I’ll echo Lieutenant General Pat White’s guidance, “We are well positioned to respond to an outbreak in our ranks, should one occur.” He went on to further state, “Despite the pandemic, our priorities and fundamental tasks stay consistent.” Lethality remains our #1 priority and yet protection of the force is a persistent and critical factor we must consider during times such as these.
Informed by this guidance, and after close consultation with county and state leadership here in Central Texas, I have issued the order for Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) commanders and leaders across the installation to shift to “Mission Essential Manning” as of 2 p.m. on March 24. We will continue to assess the situation and will adjust further as needed. This decision will help mitigate the spread of the virus while allowing us to maintain our core mission capabilities, and critical functions and services on the installation.
This order does not mean everyone can return to home. Mission support to the Department of Defense and the Nation continues as an enduring priority alongside our COVID-19 response. As exemplified in our oath, the Army is part of the team that the nation turns to in times of crisis, in this case with 1st responder teammates. Mission and critical services on this installation will continue to operate; these activities will adjust over time as required by the local environment and other commitments. For a list of available services please go to the “III Corps COVID-19 Information” webpage. For further information, one’s immediate chain of command and supervisors are well suited to answer questions and address special circumstances.
Throughout our Army mission and COVID-19 response, leadership and self-discipline are central to success; through the implementation of instructions, best practices and CDC guidelines. The role and importance of engaged leadership does not change because our circumstances have changed. Leaders continue to personally check on the welfare and morale of their Soldiers, while we concurrently as a community continue to care for each other. Together-as teammates, with each doing their part-we will overcome COVID-19 to protect our Soldiers, families, and communities for their safety so we can fulfill our duty to the nation. For those considered by leadership as “non-mission essential” personnel please “shelter in place” in compliance with local civic instructions. Authority to move and act in support of our mission is explicitly recognized in all the local civic instructions.
In keeping with our traditions and past successes, together we will get through this. We stand ready to answer our nation’s call and care for each other, through vigilance in our actions to combat COVID-19.
I am proud to be a Phantom Warrior and part of the communities that make up this Team. Together we make Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) and Central Texas “The Great Place.”
Phantom Lethal!
Major General, USA