FORT CAVAZOS, Texas — Ahead of the Grand Opening of the National Medal of Honor Museum, a special “Valor Tour” will bring Medal of Honor Recipients here March 20. Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Pat Brady will preside over a re-enlistment ceremony and retired U.S. Navy Command Master Chief Britt Slabinski will speak to attendees to educate them on the values of the Medal. Medal of Honor recipients will be available for interviews immediately following the ceremony. Flying aboard American Airlines’ Flagship Valor, the group will stop at Fort Cavazos before continuing to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.
This largest known gathering of Medal of Honor recipients at Fort Cavazos will include: retired Maj. Gen. Pat Brady, retired Lt. Col. Will Swensen, retired Maj. Jim Taylor, retired Capt. Flo Groberg, retired Command Master Chief Britt Slabinski, retired Sgt. 1st Class Sammy Davis and retired Specialist 5 Jim McCloughan.
Accredited media wishing to attend should RSVP by emailing no later than 12 p.m. March 19. A public affairs representative will meet attendees in the southside parking lot of the Marvin Leath Visitors Welcome Center at 7:30 a.m. March 20 for an escort to the event. Due to the strict timeline of this event, media arriving after 7:30 a.m. will not be admitted.
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Additional questions about these events can be directed to the Fort Cavazos Media Center.