By Cpt. Elizabeth Toenyes, III Corps Public Affairs
General Michael X. Garrett, the Commander of United States Army Forces Command, and General Paul E. Funk II, the Commanding General of the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command toured Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas, July 15 and 16.
Funk and Garrett visited Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) to get updates on People First Initiatives, meet with soldiers and leaders, and presented safety awards.
Funk conducted an hour-long listening session with 15 females from combat arms, met with Waco Recruiting Company, hosted a Stable Call, did physical fitness with Soldiers of 1st Cavalry Division, and joined the 1st Cavalry patch and farewell ceremony also attended by Brigadier General Brett Silva and Colonel Steven Carpenter.
Funk held a closed-door listening session with female Soldiers in combat arms from several Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) brigades and battalions. The sensing session was to hear experiences from female soldiers who serve as Infantry, Armor, and Artillery.
Following the morning’s listening sessions, Funk was briefed by Brig. David W. Gardner, commander, U.S. Army Operational Test Command (OTC). Gardner explained how the relationship between OTC and TRADOC can help conduct independent operational testing to inform acquisition and fielding decisions for Army and select multi-service Warfighting systems.
Staff Sgt. Steven Delafuente and Quanesha Barnett, Recruiter, U.S. Army Waco Recruiting Company, were awarded coins on behalf of the U.S. Army’s Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Funk established the recognition as a way to reward extraordinary contributions of individuals who take pride in being a recruiter, someone who brings soldiers into the ranks of Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve Components.
On July 16, Funk started his day doing physical fitness with Soldiers and attended the 1st Cavalry Division Patch and Farewell Ceremony with Garrett.
Garrett presented the US Army FORSCOM Fiscal Year 2020 Safety Award to 3-351st Aviation Regiment, 166th Aviation Brigade, Division West, visit 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment during a training exercise, do physical fitness with Soldiers of 20th Engineer Battalion, 36th Engineer Brigade, hosted the 1st Cavalry patch and farewell ceremony, received a People First update from 3rd Cavalry Regiment, and meet with leaders from the Sexual Harassment/Assault and Response Program (SHARP) Academy.
Garrett started his day by presenting the US Army FORSCOM Fiscal Year 2020 Safety Award to the 3-351 AVN Regiment “Sentinels”, 166th Aviation Brigade, Division West.
Following the award presentation, Garrett visited the 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment during a training exercise. He took a UH60 and visited several TOCs and unit locations in the field.
Later in the day, Garrett visited the 3rd Cavalry Regiment for an update brief on their People First initiatives.
He ended his day by meeting with leaders from the SHARP Academy for an update on changes and progress made with the SHARP program on Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos).
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Left to right: Command Sgt. Maj. Todd W. Sims, Command Sergeant Major of U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), Gen. Michael X. Garrett, commanding general of FORSCOM, Maj. Douglass T. Lindsay Douglas, Executive Officer of 3rd Battalion, 351st Aviation Regiment, 166th Aviation Brigade, Division West – First Army, and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Brian M. Lazzara, UH-60 pilot and regiment safety officer for 3rd Battalion, 351st Aviation Regiment, 166th Aviation Brigade, Division West – First Army. (U.S Army photo by Staff Sgt. Erick Yates)