Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos), TX – The 1st Cavalry Division welcomed home Soldiers of the 154th Composite Transportation Company, 553rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division Sustainment Brigade, during a ceremony at Abrams Physical Fitness Center on Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos), December 7, 2018. “Let’s get these Soldiers reunited with […]
Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) News Archive
Greywolf Brigade to Conduct National Training Center Rotation
FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas – The 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division is scheduled to attend a training rotation at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California, next month. “The deployment of the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team to the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California is a […]
III Corps and Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) observes National Day of Mourning for President George H.W. Bush
FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas – III Corps and Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) will render appropriate honors this week in remembrance of former President George H.W. Bush, who died Nov. 30. Most III Corps and Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) offices will be closed Dec. 5 in honor of the […]
Free Christmas trees for troops
FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas — Trees for Troops has donated hundreds of trees to be given away to Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) Soldiers beginning at noon Dec.6 in Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) Stadium here. Trees for Troops, a program of the Christmas Spirit Foundation, provides free, farm-grown Christmas […]
Additional Duty Safety Officer Course brings added safety to equipment testing unit
By Michael M. Novogradac, U.S. Army Operational Test Command Public Affairs Officer WEST FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas — For the first time since 2012, the Army Combat Readiness Center sent a trainer here to provide a mobile, abbreviated version of its Ground Safety Officer Course targeted to operational testers. Dubbed locally as […]
III Corps CG condolence statement to the Bush family
FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos)— “III Corps and Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) salutes President George H.W. Bush’s life of service to our Nation. Under President Bush’s resolute leadership, more than 25,000 Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) Soldiers were victorious in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in 1991. My family and […]