By Michael M. Novogradac, U.S. Army Operational Test Command WEST FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas — A new building serving as a technology collaboration hub opened here Wednesday, along with an announcement of a cyber education plan among Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos)’s academic, community, and industry partners. The Army Test and […]
Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) News Archive
3rd ABCT to host media round table from Korea
The 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, “Greywolf,” will host a media round table from Korea via video teleconference in the 1st Cavalry Division headquarters on Thursday, August 29th at 6 p.m. The Greywolf command team will talk about their unique mission and the training opportunities a Korea rotation has given them. Media interested in attending […]
MEDIA ADVISORY: First Team Troopers return from deployment to Afghanistan
MEDIA ADVISORY: First Team Troopers return from deployment to Afghanistan FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas — Soldiers from the 1st Cavalry Division headquarters will be welcomed home during a ceremony scheduled for Friday, Aug. 30 at 12:15 a.m. on Cooper Field. This first flight of Soldiers is returning from a deployment to […]
Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) to host town hall to discuss family housing progress
FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas — Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) officials will host the next Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) Family Housing Town Hall event from 9-11 a.m. Aug. 29 in Howze Auditorium here. This town hall is part of an ongoing Armywide effort to inform residents of current policies […]
Media Advisory — Ft. Hood opens Technology Integration Center to bond Army testing, academic, community, industry partners
WEST FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas — Operational Test Command (OTC) will open its new Technology Integration Center here 9 a.m. Aug. 28, aiming to connect its test technology developers and users world-wide with other engineers, analysts, technicians and academia. The center will also provide an anchor point for OTC to better collaborate […]
Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos) to host Air Assault School memorial and dedication ceremony
FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas — Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos)’s Air Assault School will hold a Memorial/Dedication ceremony at 9:30 a.m. Aug. 20 at the school renaming the school after Command Sgt. Maj. Basil L. Plumley who is famous for his role in the la Drang Valley, Vietnam, battle in 1965 […]