by Rodney Jackson, Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center Public Affairs
FORT CAVAZOS, Texas – The Troop Battalion at Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center bid farewell to Lt. Col. Jody Shipley as Lt. Col. Jamie L. Culbreath assumed command during a ceremony Aug. 4 here.
Culbreath, a medical service corps officer, holds a master’s of science degree, a master’s degree in business administration, and is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College.
Shipley is headed to West Point, New York, to assume a staff position at Keller Army Community Hospital. He thanked the organization for ensuring that he remembered that “people are people, have value, and that everyone has a critically important role.”
Col. Garrick Cramer, CRDAMC commander, emphasized that throughout all of Shipley’s accomplishments with the battalion, he never forgot the most important element: “the family.” He mentioned how Shipley and his family didn’t just talk about how important family is but showed it.
“Many of you who have been here for one or two years may have noticed that Team Shipley was named Fort Cavazos Volunteer Family of the Year and is currently in the running for U.S. Army Volunteer Family of the Year,” Cramer said.
Cramer welcomed Culbreath and his family to the CRDAMC team and urged him to humbly remember that being in command is a privilege that demands innate leadership.
Culbreath thanked family, friends, past leaders, Soldiers, and civilians who have prepared him to become a leader over the years.
“It takes a village to raise a leader, and I’m honored for you to be here to witness this opportunity,” Culbreath said. “I truly look forward to continuing to serve and lead the great members of the ‘Black Knight’ family and believe we will continue to climb and achieve excellence in all that we do.”