By Patricia Deal, CRDAMC Public Affairs
FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas—Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center celebrated the Army Medical Department Enlisted Corps’ 132nd Anniversary March 4 to honor the enlisted Soldiers who have served in battlefields and hospitals and clinics around the globe since 1887.
Although the AMEDD Enlisted Corps was not officially established until 1887, Congress had authorized the employment of “hospital stewards” to serve in hospitals during the Revolutionary War. Throughout history, the role of hospital stewards rapidly expanded as the medical noncommissioned officers were expected to provide medical services, plus handle administrative and logistical functions in the field and in garrison.
Guest speaker Sgt. Maj. James Brown, chief clinical non-commissioned officer at Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas spoke to the group about the changes the AMEDD Enlisted Corps faced in the past and how the Corps must deal with today’s upcoming changes.
“The Army is always evolving. While we might have become comfortable with the way things are, change is inevitable and we need to embrace it,” said Brown, who also serves as the AMEDD Enlisted Corps Sergeant Major. “As NCOs, the backbone of the Army, our leadership skills and hard-earned experiences are essential to help facilitate change throughout the organization. Listen to your Soldiers, develop and implement innovative ways to streamline processes and improve operations.”