FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas — Brigadier General Thomas C. Friloux will present troopers from Regimental Support Squadron, 3d Cavalry Regiment, with the Humanitarian Service Medal here Sept. 30. The Humanitarian Service Medal was created Jan. 19, 1977 by President Gerald Ford and is awarded to any member of the United States military […]
Fort Cavazos News
The 259th MCT supported Eastern Europe
FORT HOOD (Now designated Fort Cavazos), TEXAS – As increasingly more units are supporting European Deterrence Initiative rotational deployments in Eastern Europe, the 259th Movement Control Team (MCT) just completed a nine month rotation in July 2021. While deployed, the 259th MCT fell underneath the 53rd Movement Control Battalion (MCB) with the mission to provide […]
Defense Health Agency formally establishes Central Texas Market
Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos), Texas – Defense Health Agency (DHA) Assistant Director for Health Care Administration, Dr. Brian Lein, and Central Texas Market Director and Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center Commander, Col. Daniel Moore, will host a virtual market establishment ceremony and teleconference media roundtable at Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center […]
Special Operations, 82nd Airborne Snipers test new modular precision rifle at Bragg
By Mr. Mike Shelton, Airborne and Special Operations Test Directorate, U.S. Army Operational Test Command FORT BRAGG, North Carolina – Operational testing of the Army’s newest generation sniper system — the MK-22 Precision Sniper Rifle (PSR) — marks the project’s final hurdle before fielding. “The modular nature of the PSR allows it to be tailored […]
1st Cavalry Division Hosts Parade to Celebrate 100 years of Legacy
On Friday, Sept. 24, at 9 a.m., 1st Cavalry Division will host a parade, reception and interactive displays on Cooper Parade Field. This will be the culminating event for the division’s CAV Week. The ceremony will include performances by the 1st Cavalry Division band, a special cavalry charge by the Horse Cavalry detachment and a […]
4ID Soldiers test new electronic warfare, spectrum management battlefield software tool
By Maj. Dacharvrick Collins, Test Officer, Intelligence Electronic Warfare Test Directorate, U.S. Army Operational Test Command FORT CARSON, Colorado — Soldiers of 4th Infantry Division tested new software allowing commanders to automate planning, coordination, and synchronization of Cyberspace Electromagnetic Activities (CEMA) throughout the Army’s operations process. The Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT) integrates […]