Over the past several weeks “America’s First Team” has made the COVID-19 vaccines a top priority. The divisions’ surgeon cell and medical personnel across the division have spent a tremendous amount of time in offering vaccinations, informing Troopers about the vaccine and where to get vaccinated.
The division given more than 300 vaccines since we started the recent rodeos. Many Troopers, who are skeptical of getting the vaccine, have not received pertinent information from reliable sources and I have talked to the division’s medical personnel and made it their top priority to talk to those Troopers, dispel misinformation, and educate,” said Lt. Col. Evan Trivette, division surgeon.
The Division has been leading several Vaccine Rodeos across the installation alongside AAFES to ensure Troopers have the vaccine available wherever they may work. The division has been using all its resources to get as many Troopers vaccinated as possible for the safety of everyone.
Troopers from the 1st Cavalry Division “Air Cav” received their shots during a Vaccine Rode Aug. 18th.
“The division is ahead of national averages in vaccinated personnel,” said Trivette. “We will continue to inform and ensure Troopers who want the vaccine have it readily available.”
Vaccinating every eligible Service Member improves readiness, and once Service members are fully vaccinated, it will have an immediate and positive impact on their families, neighbors, and the community.
The next vaccine rodeo is Aug. 25 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the TJ Mills Food Court. Troopers and their registered family members are welcome. Any media interested in covering the event please contact MSG Miriam Espinoza at 254-247-4075 or miriam.espinozatorres.mil@mail.mil by Aug. 24 at 1700.
A public affairs representative will meet the media at the south parking lot of Marvin Leath Visitors Center located on T. J. Mills Blvd. at 7:30 a.m. for an escort to the event.