Story by Sgt. Darrell Stembridge, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs
Troopers from 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team “Greywolf,” 1st Cavalry Division returned home to Fort Hood (Now designated Fort Cavazos), TX after deploying to the U.S. Army Europe and Africa Command area of operations, Jan. 05. This deployment was on short notice following an order from the Secretary of Defense last May.

Approximately, 4,100 Troopers deployed to Grafenwöhr, Germany alongside other U.S. units already in Europe supporting the NATO Response Force. During the deployment, Troopers took part in a range of exercises and training missions across Europe to build readiness and capacity and while also strengthening relationships with NATO allies and regional partners.
“Troopers we are incredibly proud of you and what you accomplished overseas in Europe,” Col. Chad C. Chalfont, deputy commander-sustainment, 1st Cavalry Division said. “You built teams with our allies and partners. I thank you for what you have done for our nation and what you will continue to do for our Army.”
During the ceremony held on Cooper Field, approximately, 250 Troopers were welcomed home to waiting families and friends. Returning Troopers will go through the post-deployment recovery process and gradually begin to reintegrate into garrison operations.
“As you reunite over the next few days, I ask that you all be safe, look out for each other and you take care of each other,” Chalfont said. “We need each and every one of you on our team!”

Prior to their deployment the brigade trained, completing a month-long rotation at the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California, where they honed the unit’s war fighting skills utilizing the most modern tank and artillery platforms in the U.S. Army inventory including the M1A2 SEP V3 Abrams Tank, the M109A7 Paladin, and M2A3 Bradley.